
I suppose the title of this page should be “about me”. Black Iron Flies is a one-man operation. Unlike many fly tying companies, the flies available on this site are not tied in a factory that is focused on volume. They are hand tied locally in British Columbia Canada. I have been tying flies for over 30 years, and have been supplying fly fishers, lodges, shops and guides commercially since 2014. While I specialize in stillwater (lakes) flies many of the flies are effective for rivers and ice fishing as well. 

As a fly fisher myself, I am committed to supplying premium flies tied with high quality materials sourced carefully from many suppliers. The fly patterns listed on the site are chosen carefully for their popularity and effectiveness. Many are patterns designed by me. I can also tie custom patterns on request (depending on material availability and volume of orders).

All flies are tied to order. In this way I can remain flexible to supply you with the flies you need.  Please be aware that because your flies are all tied by hand to your order specifications it will take time to tie. I will make every effort to have the order done and shipped as quickly as possible